Scalpel or spatula? Medical students have new required cooking course!
The booming field of culinary medicine is taking place and Tulane University is leading the way with a mandatory course
The booming field of culinary medicine is taking place and Tulane University is leading the way with a mandatory course
If anyone still doubts that dietary changes can prevent and reverse chronic illness, then then let’s think about this; $374B
We will be hosting a Thanksgiving Vegan Potluck Dinner with Special Guest Speakers for the community on Saturday, November 19, 2016
If you are on a plant based diet or moving toward one, you are undoubetedly wondering what to use in
Artificial sweeteners have become a staple since the discovery of saccharin in the 1800s and the rise of aspartame in
Here’s an interview with Dr. Terry Mason, COO of Cook County Public Health about the upcoming Chicago Conference on Nutrition
Next month PBS will be showing the new documentary, Eating you Alive, about the affects of today’s food choices and reversing
I’ll be demonstrating plant based cooking Southern Italian Style at Ron Onesit’s Little Italy Festa this weekend. It will be
When I went outside last November and planted small cloves of garlic in the garden I had only visions of
Wednesday night, July 13th at 6:00; Grab a drink, a snack or dinner and enjoy meeting others with similar interests.
It’s still possible to get healthful “street food” in the south of Italy near Napoli. Here’s a quick shot of
I was recently wrote an article on whole food healthful snacks for Cafe Quill, a website for office workers. I
Photo Credit: Giovanni D’Anca I had the pleasure of being interviewed this morning on the Mike Nowak radio show to
Attendees at class at United Health Systems this past week experienced the taste and the beauty of whole plant based
Join us and learn more about whole food plant based nutrition in a very short time than you thought possible
If you haven’t visited “The Traveling Gals” website you might want to take a look. It’s about 3 generations of
For some time now I’ve been experimenting with all types of flours that are ground from beans and nuts that
If you are new to plant based eating (and maybe even if you aren’t so new) and still wondering how
Photo Credits: Giovanni D’Anca
For just $5.oo,, you can own a guide to starting your child on the healthiest path possible. This guide includes Infant and toddler recipes based on the world-famous Mediterranean Diet. It includes over 30 recipes and all the information you need to help your child live the healthiest life.