Second on My “Hit List” of Common Nutritional Misconceptions – Gluten Free Foods

Awareness has risen regarding the effect that gluten in today’s wheat has on the immune system and ultimately the digestive system. As a result of this awareness, the percentage of Americans trying to eliminate gluten from their diet is at an all-time high.

What used to be called the “staff of life” has become so modified over the last 50 years that it’s not the same grain which it once was. Wheat has been hybridized, crossbred and genetically modified to make it more resistant to not only pathogens and fungi but to increase yield per acre; these changes have not been good for our bodies.

Here are the “cliff notes” of what happens as the proteins in this modified wheat make their way through your digestive system.  The immune system in your gut, namely, the gut-associated lymphoid issue (abbreviated as GALT) reviews proteins for potentially harmful substances. For people with gluten sensitivity, GALT identifies them as dangerous substances and attacks them with antibodies that can eventually damage the digestive system causing bloating, diarrhea, fat malabsorption and other problems.

As Americans have become more aware of the perils of gluten due to the modification of wheat, marketers and food manufacturers have been quick to bring gluten free foods to the grocery shelves.  However, many of these gluten free foods are not healthy replacements to the diet. Many are loaded with sugar, artificial flavorings, color and saturated fat.

Be sure to read labels carefully.  Many gluten free products on the shelf are deceptively marketed as highly nutritious but by reading the label it’s obvious the product is a chemically reproduced “frankenfood” causing more problems than bargained for.

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