Welcome to this month’s Tips for Choosing Olive Oil: How to Select the Best for Your Needs edition of “Longevity Tips” where I help you build a better longer life by sharing what I’ve learned as a board-certified nutritionist and global traveler in pursuit of longevity.
This month’s edition is about a simple ingredient probably residing in your kitchen and served in almost every restaurant in the country…. Olive oil…I’ve not encountered more questions (and at times controversy) about any one ingredient than for olive oil.
The quest for EVOO has taken me practically around the world, at least on 4 continents to discover some important truths about olive oil.
Here are a few basic things to consider when faced with a wall of choices on my grocery store shelves:
• Olive oil is the juice from a stone fruit – the olive’
• Olives should be cold pressed no longer than 6-8 hours from picking to preserve nutritional benefits’
• The “juice” should be lab tested to ensure its high antioxidant, high nutrient content making sure it can be labeled as extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)’
• Olive oil should be stored in a dark glass bottle and kept in a cool place’
• The harvest date should be on the label.
• Fresh olive oil’s nutritional benefits last 12 – 18 months’
• The highest quality EVOO comes from one type (monovarietal) of olive grown in one location.
I can tell you with a high degree of confidence that most olive oils are not produced or labeled as you’ve just read. That’s why I’ve never been comfortable recommending a brand of olive oil even though I’ve probably been asked “what brand should I use?” a thousand times.
Until now…..until I’ve met and worked with a small grower who’s a maniac for quality (like me) and produces a small amount of highest quality EVOO that checks all the “boxes” listed above and more.
Get all details and learn even more here.
Here’s another reality; the world will experience a 30% shortage of olive oil this year due to changes in weather adding to the already 20% shortage last year due to weather changes – both affecting supply and quality.
Because of the shortage, once a limited number of orders are filled this EVOO will be gone.
This is not a “sales pitch.” It’s the reality of quality and a shortage.
The harvest takes place in October and the EVOO will be shipped out via UPS just a couple of weeks after pressing. Among other things, a copy of the lab analysis providing the nutritional benefit will be included in the box!
Don’t be fooled…not everything you hear about olive oil is true.
And don’t miss out. Please consider doing this for yourself because there will be 30% less of it in the world this year.
That’s it for now…
See You Next Month!
Carol Amendola D’Anca
A quick note: I created Longevity Tips to help you build a better, longer life. It’s my way of sharing my knowledge in small, easily digestible bits that truly help you. But I get it if this is not for you right now. If you aren’t interested in receiving these life-enhancing monthly tips feel free to unsubscribe below to discontinue these messages. No hard feelings and you can re-subscribe anytime.