# 10965

Longevity Lifestyle – Bridging the Gap Between Knowledge and Implementation

Longevity Lifestyle – Bridging the Gap Between Knowledge and Implementation

Longevity is a popular topic these days, with buzzwords like “Blue Zones,” “lifestyle medicine,” and the usual mix of workouts, supplements and more.

But beyond just hearing about longevity, the big question is how to integrate the principles of longevity we hear about all the time into our daily lives.

Twelve years and twenty field research trips to southern Italian longevity hotspots, have (finally) allowed me to clear up the longevity mystery that gives longest living populations an edge over industrialized countries like the U.S.

Here are some examples of what makes the lifestyle of longevity work in today’s modern world as it’s lived in southern Italy.

  • Work life balance – work will get done, but not at the expense of family or friends.
  • Fresh produce, nuts, fish and other foods are available in every community in small markets close to home.
  • Most meals are cooked and eaten at home.
  • The lifestyle is very active requiring walking and manual activities.
  • Sundays are reserved for a leisurely afternoon lunch with friends and family followed by a walk in the city square or in the countryside.
  • Traditions are rich and multi-generational. Everyone participates.
  • Social networking is strong even without SM. People talk all day long at coffee bars, at work, while meeting each other on the street, and yes, even on their phones.

There’s more to the lifestyle of longevity but you get the idea. Applying these and more “pillars” of longevity in a society that doesn’t always support them, is the real challenge.

The truth is, knowledge and action are separated by a gap. While gaining knowledge is interesting and sometimes even entertaining, it’s limited if we don’t know how to put it into practice.

We may not be able to completely copy the lifestyle of another culture, we can adopt many of their practices and get great outcomes.

Here are three ways I can help you achieve tangible results, not just gain knowledge.

✔️ The “Longevity Tips” newsletter is focused on providing one doable and actionable, tip each month to improve your health and longevity.

I have a library of past newsletters on my website available for you to access. Here are a few links to popular topics.

What I learned from my field research and observation in the Blue Zone of Sardinia.

Five things to know when choosing olive oil

Longevity unveiled, two components you can’t ignore.

✔️ A group workshop for those interested in learning how to transition knowledge into practical steps to implement the lifestyle of longevity using small actionable steps. Several of you have let me know you would like to learn more about the workshop. If anyone additional would like to know more please send a reply to this email

✔️ For those who are ready and would like to experience the lifestyle of longevity in Italy I will be offering two trips in the fall to the south of Italy for small groups (no more than twelve persons) to immerse themselves into the beauty, culture, food, and lifestyle of longevity.

Trips this spring are filled and fully committed. However, as a reader of my newsletter, you are the first to know about fall trips taking place in October. A public announcement will go out in another week.

If you are interested in learning more about this experience, please let me know by replying to this message and I’ll get back with you when all details are in place.

  That’s it for now! See you again soon!

Carol Amendola D’Anca


Master of Clinical Nutrition

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